Home of IDeATe mosquitto server for lightweight "Internet of Things" publish/subscribe messaging transport using the mqtt protocol.

Registered ports

Separate mqtt server instances have been set up for courses that have requested them; each is allocated its own port. IDeATe instructors interested in an instance/port being allocated to their course should email All access control within a course instance is managed by its instructor(s).

Port assignments are as follows:

Port Instance ID Course Instructor(s) Date assigned
8883 (reserved for testing) 2020-06-22
8884 16-223 16-223 Creative Kinetic Systems garthz 2020-07-07
8885 16-375 16/54-375 Robotics for Creative Practice garthz 2020-07-07
8886 60-223 60-223 Intro to Physical Computing rzachari 2020-08-25
8887 62-362 62-362 Electronic Logics && Creative Practice rzachari, hbartlet 2020-08-25
8888 (reserved for testing) 2020-06-22
8889 16-376 16-376 Kinetic Fabrics garthz, orobinso 2021-02-01

Students enrolled in these courses should contact their instructor(s) for the appropriate credentials with which to connect their devices.

Student guide: Client/enduser usage

1. Client device network registration

If your client device is borrowed from IDeATe, your instructor(s) should have already coordinated with IDeATe technical staff to have it registered to the campus wireless network. Otherwise, you will need to register the device to the CMU-DEVICE campus wireless network yourself.

  1. Find your device's MAC address.
    • Your instructor(s) should have more detailed guidance on how best to find the MAC address of the specific devices you will be using in class.
  2. Register your device to the CMU-DEVICE network at

2. Connection configuration

Your instructor(s) should have more detailed guidance on how best to configure the specific devices, frameworks, and tools you will be using in class.

  1. Obtain the mqtt credentials (username and password) for your class, team, or group from your instructor(s).
  2. Always configure your connections using the hostname. Rely on DNS to resolve this to the proper IP address.
  3. Configure your connections to use TLS over the port indicated for your course in the table of registered ports above and the credentials provided by your instructor(s) to your class, team, or group.

3. Testing basic pub/sub from command line

Optional. If you are having trouble configuring your connection and would like to debug by inspecting or generating message traffic, there are command-line client tools to help accomplish this.

Common command-line pub/sub tasks:
Publish to a topic mosquitto_pub --capath /etc/ssl/certs -h -p «port» -u «username» -P «password» -t '«topic»' -m '«message»'
Subscribe to a topic mosquitto_sub --capath /etc/ssl/certs -h -p «port» -u «username» -P «password» -t '«topic»' -v
(Ctrl-C to cancel when done)
Full documentation on mosquitto_pub
Full documentation on mosquitto_sub

Note: On most platforms as described above, --capath /etc/ssl/certs should correctly load the necessary TLS certificate chains for encrypted communication. If it doesn't, either point with --capath to the correct location for your machine's local certificate store, or download the USERTrust RSA CA root certificate and point directly to it with --cafile usertrust_rsa_ca.crt instead.

Subscribing to a topic such as ‘foo/#’ will subscribe you to the entire ‘foo’ message tree, subject to the permissions granted to your credential. Be careful to ensure that special characters such as ‘#’ are properly quoted, so they are not expanded by your shell.

4. Responsible use

Although the mqtt communication protocol is known for being lightweight, this is still a shared server with finite resources. Please be thoughtful and responsible when determining appropriate publish rates and subscriber counts for your projects. Those found to be causing issues will be warned. Further violations will be considered cause for revocation of access.

Instructor guide: Instance/port management

To manage your server instance, ssh to with your Andrew credentials. Only pre-authorized users have login access to this host; this includes those who are managing an mqtt server instance.

Configuration for each mosquitto server instance is stored in /opt/mosquitto/«instance_id»/ and is managed using command-line tools. The instance ID is generally the canonical course number, including the hyphen. Refer to the port assignment list.

1. User management

mqtt username/password credential pairs for your instance are stored (with passwords encrypted) in the passwd file. This file should NOT be modified directly, but rather with the mosquitto_passwd command-line tool.

Common user management tasks, assuming you are in your instance's configuration directory:
List all users cut -d: -f1 passwd | sort
Create a new user (or change an existing user's password) mosquitto_passwd passwd «username»
(Enter new password at both prompts)
Remove a user mosquitto_passwd -D passwd «username»
Backup and remove all users (see warning below) mv passwd passwd.old ; touch passwd
Restore backed up users cp -a passwd.old passwd
Full documentation on mosquitto_passwd

Warning: Removing all users from the passwd file will allow any login and cause all access to be completely unathenticated and available to the public Internet. To help prevent this type of misconfiguration, a new server instance will generally be provided with a fake "REPLACE_ME" user credential which has been intentionally corrupted.

In general, each mqtt credential should be designed to be shareable to an entire class or a small group/team of students. As such, do NOT use valuable passwords for mqtt credentials. These credentials mainly serve to separate concerns or access between disparate teams, and should generally not be assumed to provide strong authentication.

If your curriculum will tend to see mqtt used asymmetrically, e.g., with one classification of "listener" devices mostly subscribing and another classification of "controller" devices mostly publishing, you may wish to provide groups/teams with separate sets of credentials with separate access permissions for these "listeners" and "controllers", both as a best security practice and to help prevent the wrong devices from publishing where they shouldn't.

Instructors are expected to track all issued mqtt credentials and the endusers to whom they are given, as well as to furnish this information to IDeATe technical staff upon request. Since the passwords are encrypted on the server, instructors may also wish to record the original passwords to assist in recovery if necessary; however, it should be sufficient to reset a lost password using the mechanism described above.

2. Access management

mqtt ACLs are evaluated from directives listed in the acl file. This file can be edited with your preferred terminal-based text editor. Note:

Remember: "User" here means a credential, which should generally map to a small group or team, not an individual person.

Common ACL directives:
Allow server metadata to be visible to public pattern read $SYS/#
Give each user their own privately-writable tree pattern readwrite private/%u/#
Allow public to read all user-controlled trees pattern read public/#
pattern readwrite public/%u/#
Allow public to read a tree published by a specific user pattern read mystuff/#

user me
topic readwrite mystuff/#
Allow private collaboration between two users user me
topic readwrite ourstuff/#

user you
topic readwrite ourstuff/#
Full documentation on acl_file directives

3. Restarting your instance to effectuate user/access changes

When user or access changes are made, the mosquitto service must be restarted for changes to take effect. Limited sudo rules have been established to allow instance managers to restart their own instance without involving an administrator.

To restart a server instance, run: sudo systemctl restart mosquitto@«instance_id»

The instance ID is generally the canonical course number, including the hyphen. Refer to the port assignment list. Only the exact command specified above can be run with sudo.

4. Testing basic pub/sub from command line

The mosquitto client command-line tools are already installed on the host server, so once logged in, you can test pub/sub from the command line as described in the student guide above. Note that the full hostname,, must still be specified with the -h flag for successful TLS validation, even when running locally on the host server.

5. Logging

Logging records error, warning, notice, information, subscribe, and unsubscribe events to the logs/ subdirectory. Logs are automatically rotated and the latest logfile is symlinked into the instance's main configuration directory at mosquitto.log.

6. Other configuration

If you believe your course will require arbitrary configuration changes to the mosquitto.conf file which go beyond the defaults provided by IDeATe, submit a request to to initiate a discussion on what can reasonably be accommodated considering the various shared uses of this server.